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Carousel is a set of slides, only one of which is displayed at a time, and buttons used to display the previous or next slide.

Carousel conforms to W3C's WAI-ARIA authoring practices.

Set up

First import the styles into your main SASS file, replacing <path-to-node_modules> with the path to the node_modules directory relative to the file:

@import '<path-to-node_modules>/@potato/ace/components/carousel/carousel';

Alternatively ace.scss includes all ACE component SASS files, so if using multiple ACE components it can be imported instead:

@import '<path-to-node_modules>/@potato/ace/ace';

A CSS file is also provided for convenience and is located at <path-to-node_modules>/@potato/ace/components/carousel/ace-carousel.css.

Then import the class into your JavaScript entry point:

import '<path-to-node_modules>/@potato/ace/components/carousel/carousel';

For convenience the ES6 class is exported as Carousel and the attribute names used by the class are exported as properties of ATTRS.

After the event DOMContentLoaded is fired on document an instance of Carousel is instantiated within each <ace-carousel> element and an ID ace-carousel-<n> is added for any instance without one, where <n> is a unique integer. Once instantiation is complete a custom event ace-carousel-ready is dispatched to window.

It is strongly recommended that Carousel be provided with an accessible label using aria-label or aria-labelledby. The word "carousel" should not be included in the label as Carousel has aria-roledescription="carousel" which is read out by screen readers.

Carousels can periodically display the next slide if given the attribute ace-carousel-auto-slide-show. Such automatic Carousels change the slide every 5 seconds by default, however developers can provide a custom interval time in milliseconds as the value of Carousel attribute ace-carousel-auto-slide-show-time. The automatic slide show can be stopped or started using a required, descendant toggle button, or by custom events. Automatic Carousels must have a descendant button to stop and start the automatic slide show, which for better accessibility must be the first focusable descendant. Automatic Carousels will therefore use the first descendant <button> for this and give it the attribute ace-carousel-auto-slide-show-btn. This button will be given an aria-label "Stop automatic slide show" or "Start automatic slide show" when the automatic slide show is running or not respectively. Developers can provide custom or localised strings as values of Carousel attributes ace-carousel-stop-auto-slide-show-label and ace-carousel-start-auto-slide-show-label.

All Carousels, except those with slide picker buttons, must have descendant buttons to display the previous and next slides. Descendant <button> elements with attributes ace-carousel-prev-btn and ace-carousel-next-btn are used. For better accessibility these buttons should be the first and second focusable descendants, or second and third focusable descendants for automatic Carousels. To display these buttons on the left and right sides of the Carousel, as is common practice, CSS should be used. If no descendants have these attributes then the first and second, or second and third for automatic Carousels, descendant <button> elements will be used and given these attributes. The previous slide button will be given an aria-label of value Go to previous slide, or Go to last slide if the Carousel is infinite and the first slide is visible. Developers can however provide custom or localised strings as values of attributes ace-carousel-go-to-prev-slide-label and ace-carousel-go-to-last-slide-label respectively, set on the button. Similarly, the next slide button will be given an aria-label of value Go to next slide, or Go to first slide if the Carousel is infinite and the last slide is visible. Developers can however provide custom or localised strings as values of attributes ace-carousel-go-to-next-slide-label and ace-carousel-go-to-first-slide-label respectively, set on the button.

A set of slide picker buttons, used to select each slide, can be added to Carousel by including an element with attribute ace-carousel-slide-picker and a descendant <button> for each slide. Alternatively, this element can be added with no descendant button elements and Carousel will populate it with a button for each slide. Carousel adds aria-label attributes to each slide picker button in the format Slide n, where n is the slide number. To allow for more approprite or localised strings, the string Slide can be replaced in the aria-label of all slide picker buttons with the value of the attribute ace-carousel-slide-picker-btn-aria-label-prefix of the element with attribute ace-carousel-slide-picker. It is strongly recommended that the slide picker follow the previous and next slide buttons in DOM hierarchy and therefore in tab sequence. This order should be used even if the slide picker buttons are to be displayed below or overlayed on top of the slides in which case their positioning should be set using CSS. For accessibility purposes Carousel buttons that are styled by developers and overlayed on top of the slides must use colors that provides sufficient contrast so they are clearly visible.

All Carousel slides must be descendant within an element with attribute ace-carousel-slides. If no descendant has this attribute, the first child <div> will be used if present, otherwise Carousel will append a child <div> to itself and use it. Slides do not have to be present upon instantiation and can be dynamically added, or removed later, as long as custom event ace-carousel-update-slides is dispatched to the Carousel instance afterwards. Carousel adds aria-label attributes to each slide in the format n of N, where n is the slide number and N is the total number of slides. To allow for localised strings, the string of can be replaced with the value of the attribute ace-carousel-slide-aria-label-infix of the element with attribute ace-carousel-slides.


A Carousel displayed slide can be changed using the previous and next slide buttons, using custom events, or by changing the value of its attribute ace-carousel-selected-slide to the slide's number e.g. 2 will display the second slide and 3 the third. This attribute can be set before instantiation to display a specific slide on page load, but if omitted Carousel will add it and set its value to 1 thereby displaying the first slide. The attribute's value is also dynamically updated when the displayed slide is changed using the other methods.

By default the previous and next slide buttons are disabled when the first and last slide is displayed respectively. Giving a Carousel the attribute ace-carousel-infinite allows infinite rotation through slides where clicking the previous button with the first slide displayed will display the last, and clicking the next button with the last slide displayed will display the first. This is an observed attribute that can be added or removed to dynamically enable or disable this behaviour.

For automatic Carousels the automatic slide show is paused while the mouse pointer hovers over the Carousel or while a Carousel instance descendant, other than the automatic slide show toggle button, has keyboard focus, and automatically resumes afterwards. The automatic slide show will not start on page load if the page is hidden, i.e. it's in a background tab or the window is minimised, and will start as soon as the page becomes visible. It will also pause if the page becomes hidden at any point and will resume once the page is visible again.

The automatic slide show can be stopped and started again using the automatic slide show toggle button or using custom events, with both methods setting Carousel attribute ace-carousel-auto-slide-show-stopped to true or false. This attribute can therefore be used to change the text string or icon of the toggle button simply using CSS. Note that this attribute will have value false while the Carousel is temporarily paused due to mouse hover or descendant keyboard focus.

Animating slide changes

Since animations can be achieved using many different methods Carousel does not animate slide changes. Developers interested in doing so can listen for the ace-carousel-slide-changed custom event and then apply their own animations, as demonstrated in one of the examples below.

In order to implement animations without hindering accessibility developers must hide non-selected slides from screen readers and remove their focusable descendants from the tab sequence after the animation ends, both of which can be achieved by applying CSS declaration display: none or visibility: hidden to them. Furthermore, animations should not be shown to users that have requested the operating system minimise the amount of non-essential motion it uses. To acheive this developers can make use of the prefers-reduced-motion media query as demonstrated in the example.


The following SASS is applied to Carousel. SASS variables used that are not defined here are defined in <path-to-node_modules>/@potato/ace/common/constants.scss.

@import '../../common/constants';

$ace-carousel-slide-picker-btn-size: 12px !default;
$ace-carousel-slide-picker-btn-spacing: $ace-spacing-1 !default;

ace-carousel {
	display: block;

[ace-carousel-slide]:not([ace-carousel-slide-selected]) {
	display: none;

[ace-carousel-slide-picker-btn] {
	height: $ace-carousel-slide-picker-btn-size;
	margin: 0 calc(#{$ace-carousel-slide-picker-btn-spacing} / 2);

	&[aria-selected="true"] {
		background-color: $ace-color-selected;
		border-style: inset;

Custom events

Carousel uses the following custom events, the names of which are available in its exported EVENTS object, similar to ATTRS, so they may be imported into other modules.

Dispatched events

The following events are dispatched to window by Carousel.



This event is dispatched when Carousel finishes initialising just after page load, and after dynamically added descendants are initialised in response to the ace-carousel-update-slides custom event being dispatched. The event name is available as EVENTS.OUT.READY and its detail property is composed as follows:

'detail': {
	'id': // ID of Carousel [string]

Selected slide changed


This event is dispatched when the displayed slide is changed. The event name is available as EVENTS.OUT.SELECTED_SLIDE_CHANGED and its detail property is composed as follows:

'detail': {
	'currentlySelectedSlide': // The current selected slide number [number]
	'id': // ID of Carousel [string]
	'previouslySelectedSlide': // The previously selected slide number [number]

Automatic slide show events

ace-carousel-auto-slide-show-started, ace-carousel-auto-slide-show-stopped & ace-carousel-auto-slide-show-paused

These events are dispatched when the automatic slide show is started, stopped or paused, the latter of which occurs when the mouse pointer hovers over the Carousel or when a descendant, other than the automatic slide show toggle button, has keyboard focus. The event names are available as EVENTS.OUT.AUTO_SLIDE_SHOW_STARTED, EVENTS.OUT.AUTO_SLIDE_SHOW_STOPPED and EVENTS.OUT.AUTO_SLIDE_SHOW_PAUSED, and their detail properties are composed as follows:

'detail': {
	'id': // ID of Carousel [string]

Listened for events

Carousel listens for the following events that should be dispatched to window.

Set previous slide


This event should be dispatched to display the previous slide, or the last slide if the Carousel has the attribute ace-carousel-infinite and its first slide is displayed. The event name is available as EVENTS.IN.SET_PREV_SLIDE and its detail property should be composed as follows:

'detail': {
  'id': // ID of target Carousel [string]

Set next slide


This event should be dispatched to display the next slide, or the first slide if the Carousel has the attribute ace-carousel-infinite and its the last slide is displayed. The event name is available as EVENTS.IN.SET_NEXT_SLIDE and its detail property should be composed as follows:

'detail': {
  'id': // ID of target Carousel [string]

Update slides


This event should be dispatched when slides are added or removed and causes Carousel to initialise them and then dispatch the ace-carousel-ready event. The event name is available as EVENTS.IN.UPDATE_SLIDES and its detail property should be composed as follows:

'detail': {
  'id': // ID of target Carousel [string]

Automatic slide show events

ace-carousel-start-auto-slide-show & ace-carousel-stop-auto-slide-show

These event should be dispatched to start or stop the automatic slide show. The event names are available as EVENTS.IN.START_AUTO_SLIDE_SHOW and EVENTS.IN.STOP_AUTO_SLIDE_SHOW and their detail properties should be composed as follows:

'detail': {
  'id': // ID of target Carousel [string]


Each example contains a live demo and the HTML code that produced it. The code shown may differ slightly to that rendered for the demo as some components may alter their HTML when they initialise.

Simple Carousel with 3 slides.

Slide 1 heading

Slide 1 content.

Potato logo

Slide 2 heading

Slide 2 content.

Potato Spuddy with headphones and phone

Slide 3 heading

Slide 3 content.

Potato Spuddy with virtual reality goggles
<ace-carousel aria-label="Simple">
	<button>Previous slide</button>
	<button>Next slide</button>
			<h3>Slide 1 heading</h3>
			<p>Slide 1 content.</p>
			<img src="/img/logo.svg" height="100px" alt="Potato logo"/>
			<h3>Slide 2 heading</h3>
			<p>Slide 2 content.</p>
			<img src="/img/phone-spuddy.png" height="100px" alt="Potato Spuddy with headphones and phone"/>
			<h3>Slide 3 heading</h3>
			<p>Slide 3 content.</p>
			<img src="/img/goggles-spuddy.png" height="100px" alt="Potato Spuddy with virtual reality goggles"/>

The buttons in this example dispatch the ace-carousel-set-prev-slide, ace-carousel-set-next-slide and ace-carousel-update-slides custom events on the Carousel. The JavaScript used by this example is shown below.

These buttons dispatch custom events

Slide 1 heading

Slide 1 content.

Potato logo

Slide 2 heading

Slide 2 content.

Potato Spuddy with headphones and phone

Slide 3 heading

Slide 3 content.

Potato Spuddy with virtual reality goggles
<p>These buttons dispatch custom events</p>
<button id="prev-slide-btn">Prev slide</button>
<button id="next-slide-btn">Next slide</button>
<button id="add-slide-btn">Add slide to end</button>
<button id="remove-slide-btn">Remove last slide</button>
<ace-carousel aria-label="Custom events" id="ace-custom-events-carousel">
	<button>Previous slide</button>
	<button>Next slide</button>
			<h3>Slide 1 heading</h3>
			<p>Slide 1 content.</p>
			<img src="/img/logo.svg" height="100px" alt="Potato logo"/>
			<h3>Slide 2 heading</h3>
			<p>Slide 2 content.</p>
			<img src="/img/phone-spuddy.png" height="100px" alt="Potato Spuddy with headphones and phone"/>
			<h3>Slide 3 heading</h3>
			<p>Slide 3 content.</p>
			<img src="/img/goggles-spuddy.png" height="100px" alt="Potato Spuddy with virtual reality goggles"/>
import {ATTRS, EVENTS} from '/ace/components/carousel/carousel.js';

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
	const CAROUSEL_ID = 'ace-custom-events-carousel';
	const carouselEl = document.getElementById(CAROUSEL_ID);
	const slidesWrapper = carouselEl.querySelector(`[${ATTRS.SLIDES}]`);

	const addSlide = () => {
		const headingEl = document.createElement('h2');
		headingEl.textContent = `Dynamically added Slide`;
		const p = document.createElement('p');
		p.textContent = `This slide was added dynamically, after this Carousel was initialised.`;
		const newSlideEl = document.createElement('div');
		window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(
			{'detail': {'id': CAROUSEL_ID}},

	window.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
		const targetId = e.target.id;
		switch(targetId) {
			case 'prev-slide-btn':
			case 'next-slide-btn': {
				const event = EVENTS.IN[`SET_${targetId === 'prev-slide-btn' ? 'PREV' : 'NEXT'}_SLIDE`];
				window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(
					{'detail': {'id': CAROUSEL_ID}},
			case 'add-slide-btn':
			case 'remove-slide-btn':
				if (targetId === 'add-slide-btn') {
				} else {
				window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(
					{'detail': {'id': CAROUSEL_ID}},

Carousel with infinite rotation that displays the second slide upon page load.

Slide 1 heading

Slide 1 content.

Potato logo

Slide 2 heading

Slide 2 content.

Potato Spuddy with headphones and phone

Slide 3 heading

Slide 3 content.

Potato Spuddy with virtual reality goggles
<ace-carousel ace-carousel-infinite ace-carousel-selected-slide="2" aria-label="Infinite rotation and second slide initially displayed" id="ace-infinite-carousel">
	<button>Previous slide</button>
	<button>Next slide</button>
			<h3>Slide 1 heading</h3>
			<p>Slide 1 content.</p>
			<img src="/img/logo.svg" height="100px" alt="Potato logo"/>
			<h3>Slide 2 heading</h3>
			<p>Slide 2 content.</p>
			<img src="/img/phone-spuddy.png" height="100px" alt="Potato Spuddy with headphones and phone"/>
			<h3>Slide 3 heading</h3>
			<p>Slide 3 content.</p>
			<img src="/img/goggles-spuddy.png" height="100px" alt="Potato Spuddy with virtual reality goggles"/>

Carousel with slide picker buttons and automatic slide show. Note: Previous and next slide buttons are optional when slide picker buttons are present.

Slide 1 heading

Slide 1 content.

Potato logo

Slide 2 heading

Slide 2 content.

Potato Spuddy with headphones and phone

Slide 3 heading

Slide 3 content.

Potato Spuddy with virtual reality goggles
<ace-carousel aria-label="Slide picker" id="ace-slide-picker-carousel">
	<div ace-carousel-slide-picker></div>
			<h3>Slide 1 heading</h3>
			<p>Slide 1 content.</p>
			<img src="/img/logo.svg" height="100px" alt="Potato logo"/>
			<h3>Slide 2 heading</h3>
			<p>Slide 2 content.</p>
			<img src="/img/phone-spuddy.png" height="100px" alt="Potato Spuddy with headphones and phone"/>
			<h3>Slide 3 heading</h3>
			<p>Slide 3 content.</p>
			<img src="/img/goggles-spuddy.png" height="100px" alt="Potato Spuddy with virtual reality goggles"/>

Carousel with automatic slide show. Two buttons have also been included, which dispatch the ace-carousel-start-auto-slide-show & ace-carousel-stop-auto-slide-show custom events. The JavaScript used by this example is shown below.

Slide 1 heading

Slide 1 content.

Potato logo

Slide 2 heading

Slide 2 content.

Potato Spuddy with headphones and phone

Slide 3 heading

Slide 3 content.

Potato Spuddy with virtual reality goggles
<button id="stop-auto-slide-show-custom-event-btn">Stop automatic slide show custom event</button>
<button id="start-auto-slide-show-custom-event-btn">Start automatic slide show custom event</button>
<ace-carousel ace-carousel-auto-slide-show ace-carousel-auto-slide-show-time="2000" ace-carousel-infinite aria-label="Automatic slide show" id="ace-auto-carousel">
	<button>Toggle automatic slide show</button>
	<button>Previous slide</button>
	<button>Next slide</button>
			<h3>Slide 1 heading</h3>
			<p>Slide 1 content.</p>
			<img src="/img/logo.svg" height="100px" alt="Potato logo"/>
			<h3>Slide 2 heading</h3>
			<p>Slide 2 content.</p>
			<img src="/img/phone-spuddy.png" height="100px" alt="Potato Spuddy with headphones and phone"/>
			<h3>Slide 3 heading</h3>
			<p>Slide 3 content.</p>
			<img src="/img/goggles-spuddy.png" height="100px" alt="Potato Spuddy with virtual reality goggles"/>
import {EVENTS} from '/ace/components/carousel/carousel.js';

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
	const CAROUSEL_ID = 'ace-auto-carousel';

	window.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
		const targetId = e.target.id;
		switch(targetId) {
			case 'start-auto-slide-show-custom-event-btn':
			case 'stop-auto-slide-show-custom-event-btn': {
				const event = EVENTS.IN[`${targetId === 'start-auto-slide-show-custom-event-btn' ? 'START' : 'STOP'}_AUTO_SLIDE_SHOW`];
				window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(
					{'detail': {'id': CAROUSEL_ID}},

Example of Carousel with animated slide changes. Custom styles have been applied to this example and are shown below. The JavaScript used by this example is shown below.

<ace-carousel ace-carousel-infinite aria-label="Animated" id="ace-animated-carousel" class="ace-animated-carousel">
	<button>Previous slide</button>
	<button>Next slide</button>
	<div class="ace-animated-carousel__slides">
		<div class="ace-animated-carousel__slide">
			<h3>Slide 1 heading</h3>
			<a href="#">Link</a>
			<p>Slide 1 content.</p>
			<img src="/img/logo.svg" height="100px" alt="Potato logo" />
		<div class="ace-animated-carousel__slide">
			<h3>Slide 2 heading</h3>
			<a href="#">Link</a>
			<p>Slide 2 content.</p>
			<img src="/img/phone-spuddy.png" height="100px" alt="Potato Spuddy with headphones and phone" />
		<div class="ace-animated-carousel__slide">
			<h3>Slide 3 heading</h3>
			<a href="#">Link</a>
			<p>Slide 3 content.</p>
			<img src="/img/goggles-spuddy.png" height="100px" alt="Potato Spuddy with virtual reality goggles" />
@media (prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference) {
	.ace-animated-carousel {
		&__slides {
			display: flex;
			overflow-x: hidden;

		&__slide {
			flex-shrink: 0;
			width: 100%;

			&--hidden {
				visibility: hidden;

			&:not([ace-carousel-slide-selected]) {
				display: block;
import { ATTRS, EVENTS } from '/ace/components/carousel/carousel.js';

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
	// If user prefers reduced motion then do not animate
	if (!window.matchMedia('(prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference)').matches) {

	const CAROUSEL_ID = 'ace-animated-carousel';
	const carouselEl = document.getElementById(CAROUSEL_ID);
	const carouselSlidesEl = carouselEl.querySelector(`[${ATTRS.SLIDES}]`);
	const carouselSlideEls = carouselEl.querySelectorAll(`[${ATTRS.SLIDE}]`);
	const slidesEdges = [];
	let selectedSlideIndex = +carouselEl.getAttribute(ATTRS.SELECTED_SLIDE) - 1;
	let scrollTimeout;

	// Hide non-selected slides on page load
	carouselSlideEls.forEach((slide, i) => {
		if (i === selectedSlideIndex) {
		slide.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true');

	// Store left edge x-coordinates of slides on page load and resize
	const getSlidesEdges = () => {
		carouselSlideEls.forEach((slide, i) => slidesEdges[i] = slide.offsetLeft - carouselSlidesEl.offsetLeft);
	window.addEventListener('load', getSlidesEdges);
	window.addEventListener('resize', getSlidesEdges, { passive: true });

	// Start animation when slide changes
	window.addEventListener(EVENTS.OUT.SELECTED_SLIDE_CHANGED, (e) => {
		if (!e.detail || e.detail.id !== CAROUSEL_ID) {
		selectedSlideIndex = e.detail.currentlySelectedSlide - 1;
		carouselSlideEls.forEach((slide) => {
			// Prevent non-selected slides from being announced by screen reader due to aria-live="polite" on carouselSlidesEl
			slide.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true');
		carouselSlidesEl.scrollTo({ behavior: 'smooth', left: slidesEdges[selectedSlideIndex] });

	// Hide non-selected slides when scrolling finishes
	carouselSlidesEl.addEventListener('scroll', () => {
		scrollTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
			carouselSlideEls.forEach((slide, i) => {
				if (i === selectedSlideIndex) {
		}, 100);
	}, { passive: true });

An example of how Carousel can be styled to resemble a commonly used design. Custom styles have been applied to this example and are shown below. The JavaScript used by this example is shown below.

<ace-carousel ace-carousel-auto-slide-show ace-carousel-infinite aria-label="Styled example" id="ace-styled-carousel"
	<button class="ace-styled-carousel__auto-slide-show-btn"><span class="play-icon">&#9658;</span><span
			class="pause-icon">&#10074; &#10074;</span></button>
	<button class="ace-styled-carousel__slide-btn ace-styled-carousel__slide-btn--prev">&#10094;</button>
	<button class="ace-styled-carousel__slide-btn ace-styled-carousel__slide-btn--next">&#10095;</button>
	<div ace-carousel-slide-picker class="ace-styled-carousel__slide-picker"></div>
	<div class="ace-styled-carousel__slides">
		<div class="ace-styled-carousel__slide">
			<h3>Slide 1 heading</h3>
			<p>Slide 1 content.</p>
			<img src="/img/logo.svg" height="100px" alt="Potato logo" />
		<div class="ace-styled-carousel__slide">
			<h3>Slide 2 heading</h3>
			<p>Slide 2 content.</p>
			<img src="/img/phone-spuddy.png" height="100px" alt="Potato Spuddy with headphones and phone" />
		<div class="ace-styled-carousel__slide">
			<h3>Slide 3 heading</h3>
			<p>Slide 3 content.</p>
			<img src="/img/goggles-spuddy.png" height="100px" alt="Potato Spuddy with virtual reality goggles" />
.ace-styled-carousel {
	color: #fff;
	max-width: 600px;
	position: relative;

	&__slide-btn {
		background: transparent;
		border: 2px solid #fff;
		border-radius: 50%;
		color: inherit;
		cursor: pointer;
		height: 45px;
		margin: 8px;
		position: absolute;
		width: 45px;

		&:hover {
			background: #00bed0;

		&:focus {
			outline: none;

	&[ace-carousel-auto-slide-show-stopped="true"] .pause-icon,
	&[ace-carousel-auto-slide-show-stopped="false"] .play-icon {
		display: none;

	&__slide-btn {
		border-radius: 50%;
		font-size: 24px;
		top: 50%;
		transform: translateY(-50%);

		&--next {
			right: 0;

	&__slide-picker {
		bottom: 0;
		left: 50%;
		position: absolute;
		transform: translateX(-50%);

	[ace-carousel-slide-picker-btn] {
		$slide-picker-btn-diameter: 10px;

		background-color: transparent;
		border: 2px solid transparent;
		border-radius: 50%;
		cursor: pointer;
		height: $slide-picker-btn-diameter * 2.5;
		margin: 0;
		position: relative;
		width: $slide-picker-btn-diameter * 2.5;

		&:focus {
			border-color: #fff;
			outline: none;

		&::after {
			border: 1px solid #fff;
			border-radius: 50%;
			content: '';
			height: $slide-picker-btn-diameter;
			left: 50%;
			position: absolute;
			top: 50%;
			transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
			width: $slide-picker-btn-diameter;

		&:hover::after {
			background: #00bed0;

		&[aria-selected="true"]::after {
			background-color: #fff;

	&__slide {
		padding: 50px 80px 30px;

		$bg-colors: #173d57, #66204a, #20122e;
		@for $i from 1 through length($bg-colors) {
			&:nth-of-type(#{$i}) {
				background: nth($bg-colors, $i);

	// Animation styles
	@media (prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference) {
		&__slides {
			display: flex;
			overflow-x: hidden;

		&__slide {
			flex-shrink: 0;
			width: 100%;

			&--hidden {
				visibility: hidden;

			&:not([ace-carousel-slide-selected]) {
				display: block;
import { ATTRS, EVENTS } from '/ace/components/carousel/carousel.js';

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
	// If user prefers reduced motion then do not animate
	if (!window.matchMedia('(prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference)').matches) {

	const CAROUSEL_ID = 'ace-styled-carousel';
	const carouselEl = document.getElementById(CAROUSEL_ID);
	const carouselSlidesEl = carouselEl.querySelector(`[${ATTRS.SLIDES}]`);
	const carouselSlideEls = carouselEl.querySelectorAll(`[${ATTRS.SLIDE}]`);
	const slidesEdges = [];
	let selectedSlideIndex = +carouselEl.getAttribute(ATTRS.SELECTED_SLIDE) - 1;
	let scrollTimeout;

	// Hide non-selected slides on page load
	carouselSlideEls.forEach((slide, i) => {
		if (i === selectedSlideIndex) {
		slide.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true');

	// Store left edge x-coordinates of slides on page load and resize
	const getSlidesEdges = () => {
		carouselSlideEls.forEach((slide, i) => slidesEdges[i] = slide.offsetLeft - carouselSlidesEl.offsetLeft);
	window.addEventListener('load', getSlidesEdges);
	window.addEventListener('resize', getSlidesEdges, { passive: true });

	// Start animation when slide changes
	window.addEventListener(EVENTS.OUT.SELECTED_SLIDE_CHANGED, (e) => {
		if (!e.detail || e.detail.id !== CAROUSEL_ID) {
		selectedSlideIndex = e.detail.currentlySelectedSlide - 1;
		carouselSlideEls.forEach((slide) => {
			// Prevent non-selected slides from being announced by screen reader due to aria-live="polite" on carouselSlidesEl
			slide.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true');
		carouselSlidesEl.scrollTo({ behavior: 'smooth', left: slidesEdges[selectedSlideIndex] });

	// Hide non-selected slides when scrolling finishes
	carouselSlidesEl.addEventListener('scroll', () => {
		scrollTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
			carouselSlideEls.forEach((slide, i) => {
				if (i === selectedSlideIndex) {
		}, 100);
	}, { passive: true });